Payment Options

Just Pudding Basins accept payments from Visa and Mastercard Debit and Credit Cards, we also accept payment via Paypal. Our credit card payments are processed via Stripe allowing us now to also accept Google Pay and Apple Pay for a speedy easy checkout on mobile devices. is secured by a SSL certificate providing up to 256 bit encryption thereby offering the highest level of encryption and security possible. This means you can rest assured that communications between your browser and this site’s web servers are private and secure.

We accept payments in GBP and are based in the United Kingdom. We do not make any surcharges for credit card payments.

Just Pudding Basins Ltd
4 Enterprise Road
Golf Road Industrial Estate
LN12 1NB 

Telephone 01507 622809
Company Reg: 07670795 | VAT No: 116 2255 45